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Chiefswood Park has partnered up with Six Mile Creations to have a Chiefswood Christmas Market!
This is a celebration that transforms the Chiefswood Park cabins into a vintage shopping wonderland, complete with food merchants, photo booth and a Victorian Christmas experience and children’s activities at Chiefswood National Historic Site!
Hot chocolate, tea, and coffee sales will be hosted at the brand new Chiefswood Park store, and of course holiday shopping from more than 30 of Six Nation’s, and surrounding area best artisans and shops is planned throughout the Park.
With a guest appearance of Santa Clause!
Date: Thursday December 2nd, 2021
Time: 4pm-9pm
Admission: $5.00 Kids under 15 are free.
(Pay at gate and receive a shopping bag and map of the vendors)
The event promises to be filled with family shopping, good food, and of course, fun!

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