Remember when you were a kid, standing outside, looking up at the stars? If you were away from the city lights, these amazing celestial objects seemed practically endless. Now, imagine being able to give that same stargazing experience to your kids on a camping trip at Chiefswood Park! Whether you’re in a cabin or on a campsite, in a tent or a trailer, there are countless opportunities to sit outside and look up at the stars on a clear night – either through the naked eye, or with a telescope (even better!)
Looking for constellations or simply staring in awe at the seemingly endless array of shapes you can make out among the bright points of light, stargazing is an excellent camping pastime that has often turned into more serious hobbies and even careers, as children grow up. Laying on your back on a blanket or sleeping bag, drawing the constellations with your finger can quickly turn into story-telling and laughter, making memories your family will keep with them for years to come.
Photo Credit: Pixabay
The opportunities to see comets and catch glimpses of falling stars at Chiefswood Park are many throughout the warmer months, and the peaceful feeling that naturally comes with these opportunities is tough to beat! A welcomed break from the hustle and bustle of everyday living, stargazing at the Park is made easy by our darkened skies, removed from urban light pollution. And, coupled with the sounds of the surrounding countryside and the Carolinian Forest nature zone in which the Park is located, this experience can be even more amazing. The excitement that seeing the stars can create for kids is something truly special.
Photo Credit: Pixabay
For the best Chiefswood Park stargazing experience, it’s often helpful to do a little research before your stay.
- Visit a local bookstore or shop online for a book or guide that offers illustrations and suggestions for spotting planets, constellations, and even comets (by date of their appearance,) by their location in southern Ontario.
- Consider bringing a telescope or even a pair of binoculars, if your children want a closer look when stargazing. They may gain a whole new perspective they wouldn’t otherwise have seen through the naked eye.
- Investigate the vast array of websites, online stargazing groups, and apps that are available for such hobbies and interests prior to your stay at Chiefswood Park. These can help support your intentions and may even develop a new interest for the younger family members.
- Keep an eye on the weather reports. Unfortunately, we can’t control the weather, but we can control our ability to have fun regardless. If your stay at Chiefswood Park falls on a cloudy or overcast date, there are still plenty of things to do and see which will make the time equally as enjoyable as if you had a chance to go stargazing. Printing out sky and star maps in advance of your visit and learning the stories behind the various constellations will give you all a chance to do something similar in fashion while the weather decides to do its own thing. And, in today’s high-tech world, you can find some great apps to help you find and identify constellations no matter the weather and no matter where you are in the world.
Photo Credit: Pexels
Remember, the stars above your Chiefswood Park cabin or campsite continue to shine after billions of years, and still have so many amazing stories to tell and family fun to generate. All you have to do is look up!